La prestación de los Servicios de Lebara, conlleva el tratamiento de datos de carácter
personal del Cliente, los cuales serán tratados conforme lo previsto en la presente
Política de Privacidad.
¿Quién es el responsable del tratamiento de sus datos?
El responsable del tratamiento será la sociedad Xfera Móviles, S.A.U, con NIF: A-82528548
y domicilio en Avenida de Bruselas, 38, 28108 Alcobendas (Madrid), España, en lo sucesivo,
LEBARA. Esta sociedad ofrece servicios de telecomunicaciones a través de diferentes marcas
como Lebara, MÁSMÓVIL, Yoigo y Llamaya.
2. ¿Con qué finalidad tratamos sus datos y bajo qué legitimación?
Los datos que tratemos en el marco de la contratación y la prestación de los servicios
que te ofrecemos serán tratados con las siguientes finalidades:
Gestión de la relación contractual
Esta finalidad incluye la gestión del propio contrato, su facturación o recarga y su
interacción con cualquiera de nuestros departamentos internos, como pueden ser el servicio
de atención al cliente, servicio técnico o calidad para la atención de reclamaciones,
cambios en la contratación o incidencias. También trataremos sus datos de contacto con la
finalidad de habilitar el acceso del Cliente a su área privada a través de MyLebara, a la
que puede acceder a través de la web o la app, y en la que el Cliente puede gestionar sus
tarifas, acceder a sus facturas, consultar su consumo o gestionar sus consentimientos.
También tendrás la posibilidad de realizar recargas desde nuestra web o cualquiera de los
otros canales habilitados.
Los datos que podemos tratar con esta finalidad son los relacionados con la propia
relación contractual, esto es, datos identificativos, de contacto, datos de tarifas,
servicios contratados, consumos y uso de los servicios, calidad del servicio, datos de
facturación y pago, incluyendo medios de pago, recargas y facturas emitidas.
La base de legitimación para tratar estos datos está en la
ejecución de la relación contractual, conservándose los mismos mientras esta
permanezca vigente y tras ello los mantendremos bloqueados a disposición solo de
autoridades policiales o judiciales hasta la prescripción de obligaciones legales y
responsabilidades derivadas del tratamiento, siendo este plazo generalmente de cinco años
tras la finalización del contrato,
salvo que exista algún tipo de reclamación administrativa o judicial, los cuales se
almacenarán hasta que el procedimiento finalice.
Prestación de servicios de telecomunicaciones
Dentro de esta finalidad se engloban las diferentes actividades que resulten necesarias e
inherentes a la prestación del servicio de telecomunicaciones, tales como:
La conducción de la comunicación a través de una red de comunicaciones electrónicas, el
establecimiento y enrutamiento de la llamada (incluyendo la interconexión);
La provisión del servicio de acceso a Internet, en caso de encontrarse dentro de los
servicios contratados.
El registro de los datos de tráfico e interconexión y su uso con el objetivo de poder
proceder a su facturación o al descuento dentro del saldo disponible para las tarjetas
prepago; así como la reclamación extrajudicial y judicial en caso de impago.
Detección, gestión y solución de incidencias técnicas y resolución de reclamaciones.
Las categorías de datos objeto de tratamiento con esta finalidad incluyen datos de
contacto, datos de identificación de dispositivos, IP, datos de tráfico y navegación,
incluyendo datos de localización asociados al tráfico. Estos datos serán tratados en la
medida en la que sean necesarios para prestar el servicio, la gestión de las redes e
interconexiones y la detección, gestión y solución de incidencias.
En caso de solicitar una portabilidad desde o hacia otro operador, además le informamos
que podrán ser objeto de tratamiento sus datos identificativos, siendo en este caso
necesaria esta comunicación de datos entre operador donante y receptor para llevar a cabo
la misma. Los datos intercambiados entre operadores serán los previstos en cada momento en
las especificaciones técnicas de portabilidad aprobadas por las Administraciones Públicas
con competencia en la materia.
La base de legitimación para tratar estos datos está en la ejecución de la relación
contractual y en el caso de la portabilidad la adopción de medidas precontractuales,
conservándose los mismos mientras esta permanezca vigente y tras ello los mantendremos
bloqueados a disposición solo de autoridades policiales o judiciales hasta la prescripción
de obligaciones legales y responsabilidades derivadas del tratamiento, siendo este plazo
generalmente de cinco años tras la finalización del contrato, salvo que exista algún tipo
de reclamación administrativa o judicial, los cuales se almacenarán hasta que el
procedimiento finalice. Además, ciertos datos de tráfico y localización serán conservados
por los plazos previstos conforme a la legislación vigente en materia de conservación de
datos relativos a las comunicaciones electrónicas y a las redes públicas de
Verificación de información
LEBARA podrá verificar la exactitud de los datos que usted aporte en el marco de la
contratación con la finalidad de prevenir el fraude y suplantaciones de identidad. Para
ello, podremos tratar datos identificativos, de contacto, datos de dispositivo, datos
económicos, financieros y de seguros (datos de pago), información sobre el punto de venta,
o la contratación, tráfico o navegación.
Para este tratamiento, LEBARA tiene como base de legitimación el
interés legítimo en proteger a su Cliente y a la propia compañía del fraude en la
contratación. En este sentido, LEBARA tratará los datos estrictamente necesarios para
realizar la verificación y solo en la medida en que estos resulten necesarios para la
prevención del fraude.
Si quiere información adicional sobre nuestro interés legítimo, por favor, consulte con
Prevención del fraude
Le informamos que LEBARA se encuentra adherido sistema Hunter (https://asociacioncontraelfraude.com/hunter/). Conforme a los compromisos de Xfera Móviles con este sistema, esta incorporará los datos
de sus Clientes a un fichero titularidad de la ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE EMPRESAS CONTRA EL
Los datos serán comparados con otros datos de solicitudes de servicios de telefonía que
figuren en el Sistema Hunter para la prevención del fraude en solicitudes, exclusivamente
con objeto de detectar la existencia de información potencialmente fraudulenta dentro del
proceso de aprobación del servicio. Si se diera el caso de que se detectaran datos
inexactos, irregulares o incompletos, su solicitud será objeto de un estudio más
pormenorizado, y dichos datos serán incluidos como tales en el fichero y podrán ser
consultados para las finalidades anteriormente mencionadas, por las entidades adheridas al
Sistema Hunter y pertenecientes a los siguientes sectores: financiero, emisores de
tarjetas, medios de pago, telecomunicaciones, renting, aseguradoras, compra de deuda,
inmobiliario, suministro de energía y agua, facturación periódica y pago aplazado.
La lista de entidades adheridas al Sistema Hunter estará accesible en la página web de la
Asociación Española de Empresas contra el Fraude: www.asociacioncontraelfraude.org
Puede ejercitar sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación, oposición,
portabilidad o limitación al tratamiento de sus datos ante la Asociación Española de
Empresas contra el Fraude, dirigiéndose a la siguiente dirección: Apartado de Correos
2054, 28002 MADRID, a través del envío de una solicitud firmada y acompañada de fotocopia
de su documento identificativo.
La comunicación de datos por parte de LEBARA a este sistema se lleva a cabo en base al
interés legítimo, tanto de LEBARA, como del cliente de prevenir el fraude. En este
sentido, LEBARA tratará los datos estrictamente necesarios para prevenir el fraude.
Si quiere información adicional sobre nuestro interés legítimo, por favor, consulte con
Información comercial propia
LEBARA puede tratar los datos identificativos y de contacto de los Clientes para
remitirles información comercial en relación con productos o servicios propios, tales como
promociones de diversa naturaleza, nuevas tarifas o mejoras por medios electrónicos (por
ejemplo, email, SMS, MMS, a través de los perfiles de LEBARA óviles en redes sociales y
otras plataformas…) en base a lo previsto en el artículo 21.2 de la Ley 34/2002, de 11 de
julio, de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y Comercio Electrónico y, en base al
interés legítimo para la realización de llamadas.
En relación con lo anterior, amparándonos en el interés legítimo que nos asiste para
personalizar nuestras ofertas y, en último término, ofrecer productos y servicios que
respondan mejor a las necesidades y deseos de los Clientes, podemos segmentar los
destinatarios de cada campaña a partir de los datos recabados en el marco de la
contratación, recargas y consumo (por ejemplo, para dirigir una oferta únicamente a los
residentes en una localidad o área geográfica concreta, o a los Clientes que hayan
contratado una determinada tarifa).
Con idéntica finalidad y amparándonos también en el interés legítimo, podemos utilizar
datos estadísticos publicados por las Administraciones Públicas a los exclusivos efectos
de determinar los parámetros identificativos de los destinatarios de cada campaña (como
por ejemplo, para dirigir una oferta a los Clientes que residan en localidades de más de
5.000 habitantes, según datos publicados por el INE). Dichos datos estadísticos no serán
utilizados para realizar perfilado o para el enriquecimiento de nuestras bases de datos,
salvo tras haber obtenido el previo consentimiento del Cliente, tal y como se recoge en el
apartado 2.3.c) de nuestra Política de Privacidad.
En cualquier momento el Cliente puede oponerse al envío de esta información o a la
personalización de la misma a través de los procedimientos proporcionados en las propias
comunicaciones comerciales o los descritos en la presente Política de Privacidad. En caso
de oponerse solo a la personalización, lo cual puede hacer escribiendo a dpo@masmovil.com,
podrá seguir recibiendo información comercial, pero esta probablemente no le resulte tan
Si desea obtener información adicional sobre nuestro interés legítimo, por favor,
consulte con dpo@masmovil.com,.
Trataremos sus datos con esta finalidad mientras sea cliente de LEBARA y no se haya
opuesto a la recepción de estas comunicaciones.
Una vez deje de ser Cliente, le informamos que podremos seguir informándole por medios
electrónicos de nuestros productos y servicios conforme lo previsto en el artículo 21.2 de
la Ley de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información, a lo cual podrá oponerse en
cualquier momento mediante el procedimiento proporcionado en cada comunicación comercial,
poniéndose en contacto con nuestro servicio de atención al cliente o por cualquier otro
medio previsto en las presentes Condiciones.
Libro registro y cooperación con los agentes facultados.
Le informamos que, en cumplimiento de la legislación vigente (Ley 25/2007, de
conservación de datos), estamos obligados a llevar un Libro registro en el que conste la
identidad de los Clientes que adquieran una tarjeta en modalidad prepago. Los datos que se
recogen en este Libro Registro, son nombre, apellidos, nacionalidad y número de documento
identificativo (DNI, NIE o pasaporte) y tiene por finalidad la detección, investigación y
enjuiciamiento de delitos graves contemplados en el Código Penal o en las leyes penales
especiales, así como cooperar con las Fuerzas y Cuerpos de seguridad del Estado, juzgados
y tribunales en el ejercicio de sus funciones, Ministerio Fiscal y otras autoridades con
competencia en la materia. Además de los datos incluidos en el Libro Registro se tratarán
con esta finalidad información relacionada con las comunicaciones realizadas a través de
nuestro servicio como información de llamadas entrantes y salientes, direcciones IP o
datos de ubicación. La base de legitimación de este tratamiento es el cumplimiento de
obligaciones legales. Los datos tratados con esta finalidad serán tratados mientras que la
línea permanezca activa y, tras ello, por los plazos legalmente previstos para ello, que
actualmente es de un año.
Sistema de gestión de abonado
En cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en las Circulares de la CNMC 1/2013 y 5/2014, te
informamos que, como operador de telecomunicaciones, estamos obligados a comunicar sus
datos identificativos y de contacto, información del servicio contratado y, en ciertas
ocasiones, de localización, al Sistema de Gestión de Datos de Abonado de la CNMC en base a
una obligación legal. Por ejemplo, en base a esta obligación proporcionamos información a
los servicios de emergencia.
A través de este Sistema y conforme a las mencionadas Circulares, también se regulan las
guías de abonado y los servicios de consulta. La figuración de los datos del abonado en
las guías de abonado o servicios de consulta, así como el uso de estos datos publicados
con fines comerciales o de publicidad, requieren del consentimiento del interesado. El
interesado podrá solicitar su figuración en las guías de abonado a través del servicio de
atención al cliente.
Le informamos que LEBARA, en base a su interés legítimo de mantener, incrementar y
fidelizar su cartera de clientes, puede también analizar durante la vigencia del contrato
y hasta un plazo de 18 meses después de la finalización del mismo el uso que el Cliente
hace de los Servicios contratados con nosotros, básicamente con tres finalidades:
Mejorar el servicio, la oferta y la atención ofrecida a sus clientes con carácter general
(Por ejemplo, desarrollar nuevas tarifas, reducir tiempos de espera en el servicio de
atención al cliente, enrutar llamadas al servicio de atención al cliente de forma
eficiente, etc)
Detectar incidencias, áreas de mejora o necesidades en relación con nuestros servicios
con carácter general (Por ejemplos problemas con antenas, problemas de cobertura o de la
red, tráfico irregular o fraudulento y mejorar la atención de incidencias)
Elaborar modelos de propensión de abandono y otros modelos estadísticos
Para estas finalidades utilizamos datos seudonumizados, así como, por ejemplo, tipo y/o
número de llamadas realizadas, existencia de roaming, horarios, volumen de navegación,
zonas de mayor o menor incidencia de tráfico, importes medios de factura, incidencias,
tipología de incidencia, tiempo de espera en atención al cliente, tipo de atención
recibida, tiempo de resolución de incidencias etc.).
En estos casos, LEBARA adoptará las medidas oportunas para garantizar que el impacto en
el derecho a la protección de datos del cliente sea el mínimo. Por ejemplo, LEBARA seudonimizará los datos y tratará aquellos que sean estrictamente
necesarios para ese fin. El Cliente puede oponerse al tratamiento de sus datos con esta
finalidad escribiendo a dpo@masmovil.com
Además, en aquellos casos en los que el Cliente nos facilite su consentimiento podemos
tratar tus datos con las siguientes finalidades:
Envío de información comercial de otros servicios de LEBARA o de otras empresas del
LEBARA pertenece a un grupo empresarial en constante crecimiento, puedes encontrar
información de qué empresas pertenecen al Grupo aquí, en el que trabajamos para ofrecer
más y mejores servicios de diversa naturaleza
(tales como energía, telecomunicaciones, seguridad, financieros, o gran consumo –
cuidado personal, tecnología, hogar, electrónica o informática) y ocio que puedan ser de interés para nuestros Clientes. De modo que, en caso de que el Cliente
lo consienta, podremos tratar sus datos identificativos y de contacto en base a ese
consentimiento para proporcionarle información comercial, incluidos por medios
electrónicos (por ejemplo, email, SMS, MMS, a través de los perfiles de LEBARA en redes
sociales y otras plataformas…), de productos o servicios de otras empresas del Grupo o
servicios distintos a los que fueron objeto de la contratación prestados por LEBARA.
En caso de que el Cliente así lo consienta, trataremos los datos con esta finalidad
mientras no retire tal consentimiento y en la medida en la que permanezca activo.
Envío de información comercial de terceros
Asimismo, en ocasiones, LEBARA, llega a acuerdos comerciales con terceras empresas
pertenecientes a los sectores de la energía, financiero, gran consumo (por ejemplo,
informática, electrónica, cuidado personal u hogar) y ocio para informar de sus productos o servicios a sus Clientes. Por ello, en caso de que el
Cliente lo consienta, LEBARA tratará datos identificativos y de contacto del Cliente en
base a su consentimiento y podrá remitir información comercial de estos terceros,
incluidos por medios electrónicos (por ejemplo, email, SMS, MMS, a través de los perfiles
de LEBARA en redes sociales y otras plataformas…).
En caso de que el Cliente así lo consienta, trataremos los datos con esta finalidad
mientras el Cliente no retire tal consentimiento y en la medida en la que permanezca
Perfilado y enriquecimiento de bases de datos con fines comerciales
En LEBARA, entendemos por perfilado el uso de datos personales, dato de uso de nuestros servicios,
así como datos de facturación, recargas o consumos con la finalidad de analizar o predecir
aspectos tales como sus preferencias personales, intereses y comportamientos y mejorar
nuestra oferta comercial.
En LEBARA, utilizamos el perfilado, en aquellos casos en los que el interesado haya
proporcionado su consentimiento, para tener un mayor entendimiento de los comportamientos
de nuestros clientes, como, por ejemplo, su propensión a adquirir líneas adicionales,
líneas convergentes, a abandonar LEBARA, etc. Para ello utilizamos modelos estadísticos
basados en el análisis del uso de nuestros servicios y las interacciones realizadas por
nuestros clientes. El objetivo es poder conocer con más detalle cuáles son los intereses
de nuestros Clientes para ofrecerles información comercial sobre nuestros productos o
servicios (ofertados por LEBARA o cualquier otra empresa del Grupo) que sea relevante en
función de su perfil, intereses y necesidades.
Entre los datos que podemos tratar con estos fines, además de los datos recabados en el
marco de la contratación, facturación y consumo, se encuentra información personal que nos
haya podido proporcionar el cliente en distintos contextos, como por ejemplo edad,
dirección o cualquier otra que nos haya facilitado en el marco por ejemplo de campañas
específicas o encuestas, como por ejemplo intereses, o información sobre su terminal o
El Cliente puede graduar su consentimiento sobre cómo desea que utilicemos datos
provenientes de otras fuentes para enriquecer la información que disponemos sobre nuestros
Clientes en base a información personal y estadística no personalizada, como, por ejemplo:
Bases de datos de fuentes de acceso público (publicaciones/bases de datos puestas a
disposición del público por autoridades oficiales o terceros, por ejemplo, el Boletín
Oficial del Estado o Registros Públicos)
Criterios geográficos (provincia, localidad, código postal, área censal…),
Información catastral,
Datos sociodemográficos (renta media o tasa de paro por distrito o población en la que
Datos recibidos de las interacciones digitales realizadas por los clientes, por ejemplo,
por medio del uso de cookies, pixels o cualquier tecnología de seguimiento. Estas
actuaciones se encuentran reguladas en la política de cookies, la cual puede consultar
Datos de interacciones con otros productos y servicios digitales como son nuestra APP,
Cookies y Pixeles de nuestras páginas webs, actuaciones que realiza en nuestros perfiles
de redes sociales y los datos que podemos recabar a través de los servicios tales como
Datos derivados de servicios prestados por otras empresas del Grupo en caso de que
consienta que nos faciliten tales datos.
Este tratamiento de datos requiere del consentimiento del Cliente, conservando esta información mientras el Cliente no retire su consentimiento.
Tráfico y navegación
LEBARA, en caso de que el cliente manifieste su consentimiento, podrá tratar sus datos de
tráfico, entendiendo como tal el uso que se realiza de los servicios contratados (duración de las llamadas, horarios en
los que se realiza un mayor número de llamadas, tipo de contenido consumido -voz, video,
mensajería, fotografías, música…-),
con la finalidad de realizar la promoción comercial de servicios de comunicaciones
electrónicas en la medida y durante el tiempo necesario para la realización de dicha
tratará los datos de tráfico con esta finalidad mientras el Cliente no retire tal
podrá tratar datos de localización en base al consentimiento de los Clientes con la
finalidad de proporcionarle información comercial en base a dicha localización, para ello
sólo será tratado el dato de código postal en base a la conexión de dispositivo móvil para
conocer si se encuentra en un código postal diferente al que nos figura en el contrato así
como los días de dicha conexión.
Cesión de datos a otras empresas del grupo con fines comerciales.
En caso de que nos lo consienta, LEBARA podrá comunicar sus datos identificativos, de
contacto, e información derivada del servicio contratado a LEBARA (como por ejemplo,
tarifa o antigüedad en el servicio) a otras empresas de nuestro Grupo de empresas con la
finalidad de proporcionarle información comercial de sus productos o servicios (tales como
energía, telecomunicaciones, seguridad, financieros, o gran consumo – cuidado personal,
tecnología, hogar, electrónica o informática) y ocio por vía telefónica o electrónica.
Dispone de más información sobre el Grupo en https://www.grupomasmovil.com/grupo-masmovil/
Esta información será conservada mientras no retire su consentimiento o deje de ser
Cliente de LEBARA.
Respecto de los tratamientos basados en el
consentimiento el interesado puede, en cualquier momento, retirar los consentimientos
otorgados. Esto puede hacerlo a través de su área privada de usuario o el servicio de
atención al cliente.
Si quiere información sobre los tratamientos de los usuarios de nuestras páginas web,
puede consultar nuestra Política de Cookies.
3 ¿A quién comunicamos sus datos?
En cumplimiento de la legislación vigente, o con la finalidad de prestar el Servicio,
LEBARA está obligado a comunicar datos personales a diversos organismos o terceros, los
cuales detallamos en el siguiente cuadro:
Categorías de datos
Base de legitimación
Otros operadores |
Datos identificativos, de contacto y de tráfico |
Desarrollo, mantenimiento y control de la relación contractual (enrutamiento de
llamadas, interconexión, gestión de los procesos de portabilidad, gestión de
STA) |
Sistema de Gestión de Datos de Abonado (CNMC)
Servicios de emergencia y agentes facultados (como fuerzas y cuerpos de seguridad)
– Datos identificativos, de contacto y localización
Obligación legal |
Guías de abonado – Datos identificativos y de contacto |
Consentimiento |
Uso de información de guías de abonado con fines comerciales – datos
identificativos y de contacto |
Consentimiento |
Agentes facultados (tales como Fuerzas y cuerpos de seguridad del Estado) |
Los previstos en la legislación vigente, tales como datos identificativos, de
contacto, de localización y tráfico |
Obligación legal
Administraciones públicas, tales como autoridades en materia de consumo, Agencia
Española de Protección de Datos |
Los requeridos en cada caso. Habitualmente, datos identificativos, de contacto y de
facturación |
Obligación legal |
Titulares de ficheros comunes de solvencia patrimonial |
Datos identificativos y deuda pendiente |
Interés legítimo |
Otras empresas del Grupo |
Datos identificativos, de contacto, información del servicio contratado con
Lebara |
Consentimiento |
4. Transferencias internacionales
Asimismo, le informamos que LEBARA
no tiene previsto llevar a cabo transferencias internacionales de datos personales de
clientes con carácter general, si bien, puede contar con algún proveedor que requiera
tratar datos de clientes desde fuera del Espacio Económico Europeo, tales como algún
servicio de atención al cliente o soporte, en base a la ejecución del contrato en los
términos previstos en las finalidades primera y segunda. En estos casos LEBARA
se asegura de contar con garantías adecuadas sobre las que puede obtener información en
dpo@masmovil.com. Estas garantías suelen consistir
en la suscripción de cláusulas contractuales tipo aprobadas por la Comisión Europea con
aquellos proveedores que se encuentren en esta situación o Normas Corporativas
vinculantes, dependiendo de cada caso.
5. ¿Por cuánto tiempo conservaremos sus datos?
Con carácter general, los datos derivados de la contratación serán conservados mientras
se mantenga la relación contractual con el Cliente y se bloquearán, a disposición solo de
autoridades policiales o judiciales hasta la prescripción de obligaciones legales y
responsabilidades derivadas del tratamiento, siendo este plazo generalmente de cinco años
tras la finalización del contrato, salvo que exista algún tipo de reclamación
administrativa o judicial, los cuales se almacenarán hasta que el procedimiento finalice,
salvo que exista algún tipo de reclamación administrativa o judicial, los cuales se
almacenarán hasta que la misma adquiera firmeza.
No obstante, hay categorías de datos y finalidades para los que se aplican distintos
plazos de conservación. Puede consultar cada plazo de conservación específico en las
finalidades que se listan en la sección “2 ¿Con qué finalidad tratamos sus datos y bajo
qué legitimación?”.
En cualquier caso, si al finalizar la relación contractual existieran litigios pendientes
derivados del ejercicio de acciones de impugnación de la factura o tendentes a lograr el
cobro de las mismas, los datos podrán conservarse durante la tramitación de los mismos, en
tanto no recaiga resolución definitiva –fecha en la que se procederá a su bloqueo y
posterior borrado-, si bien sólo podrán utilizarse a fines probatorios.
6. ¿Cuáles son sus derechos?
Le informamos que, conforme lo previsto en la legislación de protección de datos, cuenta
con los siguientes derechos:
Derecho de acceso: Conocer qué tipo de datos estamos tratando y las características del
tratamiento que estamos llevando a cabo.
Derecho de rectificación: Poder solicitar la modificación de sus datos por ser éstos
inexactos o no veraces.
Derecho de portabilidad: Poder obtener una copia en un formato interoperable de los datos
que estén siendo tratados.
Derecho a la limitación del tratamiento en los casos recogidos en la Ley.
Derecho de supresión: Solicitar la supresión de sus datos cuando el tratamiento ya no
resulte necesario.
Derecho de oposición: Solicitar el cese en el envío de comunicaciones comerciales en los
términos antes señalados.
Derecho a revocar el consentimiento prestado, siendo su petición procesada en el plazo
aproximado de 10 días.
Puede ejercitar estos derechos mediante correo postal a la dirección Avenida de Bruselas,
38, 28108 Alcobendas (Madrid) o mediante correo electrónico a la dirección privacidad.lebara@grupomasmovil.com indicando el derecho a ejercitar y acompañando la documentación requerida. Asimismo, le
informamos que puede interponer una reclamación ante la Agencia Española de Protección de
En la página web de la AEPD puede encontrar una serie de modelos que le ayudarán en el
ejercicio de sus derechos.
En caso de que tenga alguna duda sobre el tratamiento de sus datos personales, puede
contactar con nuestro Delegado de Protección de Datos (DPD o DPO) enviando un correo
electrónico a dpo@masmovil.com
The provision of Lebara Services involves the processing of the Customer's personal data, which will be treated in accordance with the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy.
1 Who is responsible for processing your data?
The controller shall be Xfera Móviles, S.A.U. with tax ID number: A-82528548 and registered address at Avenida de Bruselas, 38, 28108 Alcobendas (Madrid), Spain, hereinafter, LEBARA. This company provides telecommunications services via several brands such as Lebara, MASMÓVIL, Yoigo and Llamaya.
2 Why do we process your data and on what grounds?
2.1 The data that we process within the framework for contracting and providing the services that we offer you will be processed for the following purposes:
a) Managing the contractual relationship
This purpose includes the management of the contract itself, your invoicing or topping up and your interaction with any of our internal departments, such as customer service, technical service or quality in order to deal with complaints, contract changes or incidents. We will also process your contact details in order to enable Customers to access their private area via Soylebara, which can be accessed from the website or the app, and where Customers can manage their rates, access their invoices, consult their usage and manage their consents. You will also be able to top up from our website or any of the other enabled channels.
The data that we may process for this purpose are those related to the contractual relationship itself, i.e. identification data, contact data, rate data, contracted services, consumption and use of services, service quality, invoicing and payment data, including means of payment, top ups and invoices issued.
The basis for processing this data is the execution of the contractual relationship and the data will be kept for as long as the contractual relationship remains in force, after which the data will be blocked and kept at the disposal of police or judicial authorities only until the prescriptive period for the legal obligations and responsibilities derived from processing has lapsed. This period is generally five years after the end of the contract, unless there is some kind of administrative or legal claim, whereby the data will be stored until the proceedings are completed.
b) Rendering of telecommunications services
This purpose includes the various activities that are necessary and inherent to the provision of telecommunications services, such as:
· Communication using an electronic communications network, call set-up and routing (including interconnection);
· The provision of internet access, if it is part of the contracted services.
· The recording of traffic and interconnection data and their use for invoicing or discounting within the balance available for prepaid cards; and out-of-court and in-court claims in the event of non-payment.
· Detection, management and solution of technical incidents and resolution of complaints.
The data categories processed for this purpose include contact data, device identification data, IP, traffic and browsing data, including location data linked to traffic. These data will be processed where necessary to provide the service, manage networks and interconnections and detect, manage and resolve incidents.
If portability is requested from or to another operator, we also inform you that your identification data may be processed, as data need to be transferred between the providing and receiving operator in order to carry out the portability. The data exchanged between operators shall be those provided for at any given time in the technical specifications for portability approved by the government authorities overseeing this matter.
The lawful basis for processing this data is the execution of the contractual relationship, and, in the case of portability, the adoption of pre-contractual measures. The data will be kept for as long as the contractual relationship remains in force, after which the data will be blocked and kept at the disposal of police or judicial authorities only until the prescriptive period for the legal obligations and responsibilities derived from processing has lapsed. This period is generally five years after the end of the contract, unless there is some kind of administrative or legal claim, whereby the data will be stored until the proceedings are completed. Furthermore, certain traffic and location data will be kept for the periods of time provided for in current legislation on the retention of data relating to electronic communications and public communications networks.
c) Verifying information
LEBARA may verify the accuracy of the data you provide within the framework of the contract in order to prevent fraud and identity theft. To do this, we may process identification data, contact data, device data, economic, financial and insurance data (payment data), information about the point of sale, the contract, traffic or browsing.
To process this information, LEBARA's lawful basis is its legitimate interest in protecting its Customer and the company itself from contract fraud. LEBARA will therefore process the data that are strictly necessary for verification purposes and only to the extent necessary to prevent fraud.
If you would like further information about our legitimate interest, please contact dpo@masmovil.com.
d) Fraud prevention
You are informed that LEBARA is a member of the Hunter system
(https://asociacioncontraelfraude.com/hunter/). In accordance with Xfera Móviles, commitments to this system, it will include the data of its Customers in a file owned by the SPANISH ASSOCIATION OF COMPANIES AGAINST FRAUD.
The data will be compared with other phone service request data in the Hunter anti-fraud system solely for the purpose of identifying potentially fraudulent information within the service approval process. If inaccurate, irregular or incomplete data is detected, your request will be subject to a more detailed study, and said data will be included as such in the file and may be viewed for the aforementioned purposes by the entities belonging to the Hunter System in the following industries: financial, card issuers, payment methods, telecommunications, renting,
insurance, debt purchase, real estate, energy and water supply, periodic invoicing and deferred payment.
A list of entities belonging to the Hunter System can be accessed on the website of the Spanish Association of Companies Against Fraud: www.asociacioncontraelfraude.org
You may exercise your right of access, right to rectification, erasure, object, data portability or restriction in the processing of your data before the Spanish Association of Companies Against Fraud, by writing to the following address: Apartado de Correos 2054, 28002 MADRID. Please send a signed request alongside a photocopy of your ID document.
LEBARA passes data to this system based on the legitimate interest of both LEBARA and the customer to prevent fraud. LEBARA will therefore process the data that are strictly necessary to prevent fraud.
If you would like further information about our legitimate interest, please contact Ódpo@masmovil.com.
e) Proprietary business information
LEBARA may process Customer identification and contact data to send them business information regarding its own products or services, such as promotions of various kinds, new rates or improvements via electronic means (i.e. email, SMS, MMS, via LEBARA mobile profiles on social media and other platforms, etc.) based on the provisions of article 21.2 of Act 34/2002 of 11 July, on information society services and E-commerce and, based on the legitimate interest to make calls.
In relation to the above, based on our legitimate interest to customise our offers and, ultimately, to offer products and services that better meet the needs and wishes of Customers, we may segment the recipients of each campaign using the data collected in the context of contracting, top-ups and usage (i.e. to target an offer purely at residents of a particular town or geographic area, or at Customers who have contracted a specific rate).
For the same purpose, and also based on our legitimate interest, we may use statistical data published by government bodies for the sole purpose of determining the identification parameters of the recipients of each campaign (i.e. to target an offer at Customers living in towns with over 5,000 inhabitants, according to data published by the Spanish national statistics institute (INE)). Such statistical data will not be used for profiling or for enhancing our databases, unless prior consent is obtained from the Customer, as stated in section 2.3.c) of our Privacy Policy.
The Customer may object to this information being sent or to data customisation at any time using the measures provided in the business communications themselves or those described in this Privacy Policy. If you object to data customisation only, you can write to Ódpo@masmovil.com. You can still receive business information, but it will probably be less relevant.
If you would like further information about our legitimate interest, please
We will process your data for this purpose for as long as you are a LEBARA customer and have not objected to receiving these communications.
Once you cease to be a Customer, you are informed that we may continue to contact you by electronic means about our products and services in accordance with the provisions of article 21.2 of the Act on information society services. You may object to this at any time using the procedure provided in each business communication, by contacting our customer service team or by any other means provided for in these Terms and Conditions.
f) Register and cooperating with authorised agents.
You are informed that, in compliance with current legislation (Act 25/2007 on data retention), we are obliged to keep a Register in which the identity of Customers who purchase a prepaid card is recorded. The data collected in this Register include name, surname, nationality and ID number (DNI, NIE or passport) and the purpose is to detect, investigate and prosecute serious crimes considered in the Criminal Code or in special criminal laws, as well as to cooperate with State security forces and bodies, courts and tribunals in the exercise of their functions, and the prosecution service and other authorities with jurisdiction in the matter. In addition to the data included in the Register, information relating to communications sent via our service, such as incoming and outgoing call information, IP addresses and location data, will be processed for this purpose. The lawful basis of this processing is to meet legal obligations. The data collected for this purpose will be processed for as long as the line remains active and, after that, for the legally stipulated period, which is currently one year.
g) Subscriber management system
In compliance with the provisions of CNMC Circulars 1/2013 and 5/2014, you are informed that, as a telecommunications operator, we are legally obliged to send your identification and contact details, contracted service information and, on certain occasions, location information, to the CNMC's subscriber data management system. One example of this is that on the basis of this obligation, we provide information to the emergency services.
Subscriber guidelines and consultancy services are also regulated using this System and in accordance with the aforementioned Circulars. The inclusion of subscriber data in subscriber guidelines or consultancy services, as well as the use of these published data for business or advertising purposes, requires the consent of the interested party. The interested party may ask to be included in the subscriber guidelines by contacting the customer service department.
2.2 You are informed that LEBARA, based on its legitimate interest to increase and retain its customer base, may also analyse the CustomerÓs use of the Services contracted with us during the term of the contract and up to a period of 18 months after the end of the contract, essentially for three purposes:
a. To improve the service, offer and care provided to its customers (e.g. to develop new rates, reduce customer service waiting times, route calls to customer service efficiently, etc.).
b. To detect incidents, areas of improvement or needs relating to our services (i.e. problems with antennas, coverage or network problems, irregular or fraudulent traffic and incident handling improvements).
c. To model the tendency to cancel and other statistical models.
For these purposes, we use pseudonymised data, such as type and/or number of calls made, roaming, schedules, browsing volume, areas with a higher or lower incidence of traffic, average invoice amounts, incidents, type of incident, waiting time for customer service, type of service received, incident resolution time, etc.
In such cases, LEBARA shall take appropriate measures to ensure that the impact on
the customer's right to data protection is minimised. LEBARA shall therefore
pseudonymise the data and process the data that are strictly necessary for that
purpose. Customers may object to the processing of their data for this purpose by
2.3 Moreover, when the Customer gives their consent, we may process your data for the following purposes:
a) To send business information about other LEBARA services or those of other Group companies
LEBARA belongs to a continually expanding business group and you can find information about which companies belong to the Group here. We work to offer more and better services of a diverse nature (such as energy, telecommunications, security, financial, or consumer goods - personal care, technology, home, electronics and IT) that may be of interest to our Customers. If the Customer consents, we may process their identification and contact data on the basis of this consent in order to send them business information, including via electronic means (i.e. email, SMS, MMS, via LEBARA's profiles on social media and other platforms, etc.), about products or services of other Group companies or services other than those that were the object of the contract with LEBARA .
If the Customer so consents, we will process the data for this purpose until the Customer withdraws such consent and for as long as it remains active.
b) To send third party business information
Similarly, sometimes LEBARA reaches business agreements with third party companies in the energy, financial, consumer goods (e.g. IT, electronics, personal care or home) and leisure sectors to inform its Customers about its products or services. Therefore, if the Customer consents, LEBARA will process the Customer's identification and contact data based on their consent and may send business information from these third parties, including via electronic means (i.e. email, SMS, MMS, via LEBARA's profiles on social media and other platforms, etc.).
If the Customer so consents, we will process the data for this purpose until the Customer withdraws such consent and for as long as it remains active.
c) To profile and enhance databases for business purposes
At LEBARA, we understand profiling to be the use of personal data, data on the use of our services, as well as invoicing, top-up or usage data in order to analyse or predict aspects such as your personal preferences, interests and behaviours and to improve our business offering.
At LEBARA, we use profiling when the interested party has given consent to gain a better understanding of our customers' behaviour, such as their tendency to acquire additional lines, convergent lines, to leave LEBARA, etc. To this end, we use statistical models based on an analysis of the use of our services and the interactions carried out by our customers. The aim is to understand in greater detail what our Customers interests are in order to offer them business information about our products or services (offered by LEBARA or any other Group company) that is relevant according to their background, interests and needs.
The data that we may process for these purposes, in addition to the data collected within the contracting, invoicing and usage context, includes personal information that the customer may have provided to us in various contexts, such as age, address,
or any other information that they may have provided to us in the context of specific campaigns or surveys for example, such as interests or information on their device or preferences.
The Customer may adjust how they consent to their data from other sources being used to enhance the information we hold about our Customers based on non-customised personal and statistical information, such as:
a. Databases from publicly accessible sources (publications/databases made available to the public by official authorities or third parties, i.e. the Official State Gazette or public registries).
b. Geographical criteria (province, town, post code, census region, etc.).
c. Registry information.
d. Socio-demographic data (average income or unemployment rate by district or residing population).
e. Data received from digital interactions by customers, such as using cookies, pixels or any tracking technology. These actions are regulated by the cookies policy, which you can view here.
f. Data from interactions with other digital products and services such as our app, cookies and pixels from our websites, activity on our social media profiles and data we may collect via services such as SmartWifi.
This data processing requires the CustomerÓs consent and this information will be held until the CustomerÓs consent is withdrawn.
d) Traffic and browsing
If the customer gives their consent, LEBARA may process their traffic data, understood to be the use made of the contracted services (length of calls, times when most calls are made, type of content consumed - voice, video, messaging, photographs, music, etc.), in order to promote electronic communications services to the extent and for the time necessary to carry out said promotion.
LEBARA will process the traffic data for this purpose until the Customer withdraws such consent.
e) Location
LEBARA may process location data based on Customer consent so as to provide them with business information based on this location. To this end, only the postcode data will be processed based on the mobile deviceÓs connection to find out if they are in a different postcode to the one stated in the contract as well as the days when such connection is made.
This information will be held until you withdraw your consent or you cease to be a LEBARA Customer.
In terms of consent-based processing, the interested party may withdraw the consent given at any time. This can be done from the CustomerÓs private user area or through the customer service team.
If you would like information about the processing of website user data, you can view our Cookies Policy.
3 Who do we give your data to?
In compliance with current legislation, or in order to provide the Service, LEBARA is obliged to send personal data to several bodies or third parties, as detailed in the following table:
Recipient |
Data categories |
Lawful basis |
Other operators |
Identification, contact and traffic data |
Development, maintenance and control of contractual relationship (call routing, interconnection, portability process management, STA management) |
Subscriber data management system (CNMC) |
Emergency services and authorised agents (i.e. security forces and bodies) - Identification, contact and location data |
Legal obligation |
Subscriber guidelines - Identification and contact data |
Consent |
Use of subscriber guidelines for business purposes - identification and contact data |
Consent |
Authorised agents (i.e. State security forces and bodies) |
As stipulated in current legislation, such as identification, contact, location and traffic data |
Legal obligation |
Government bodies, such as consumer departments, the Spanish data protection agency |
Those required in each case Usually, identification, contact and invoicing data |
Legal obligation |
Holders of asset solvency files |
Identification data and outstanding debt |
Legitimate interest |
4 International transfers
Similarly, you are informed that LEBARA does not plan to make international transfers of customersÓ personal data in general, although it may have a supplier that needs to process customer data from outside the European Economic Area, such as a customer service or support service, in order to execute the contract under the terms and conditions set out in the first and second purposes. In these cases, LEBARA ensures that it has adequate safeguards in place. Information can be found at dpo@masmovil.com. These safeguards usually comprise standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission with suppliers in this situation or binding corporate standards, depending on each case.
5 How long will your data be kept for?
Generally speaking, the data arising from the contract will be kept for as long as the contractual relationship with the Customer is in place and will be blocked, available only to police or judicial authorities, until the prescriptive period for the legal obligations and responsibilities derived from processing has elapsed. This period is generally five years after the end of the contract, unless there is some kind of administrative or legal claim, whereby the data will be stored until the proceedings are completed.
There are however data categories and purposes for which different retention periods apply. You can view each specific retention period in the purposes listed in section "9.2 Why do we process your data and on what grounds?".
In any case, if at the end of the contractual relationship there are proceedings pending as a result of challenges to invoices or aimed at achieving the collection thereof, the data may be kept during the processing of such proceedings until a final decision is made (at which time they will be blocked and subsequently erased), although they may only be used for evidential purposes.
6 Your rights
You are informed that, in accordance with data protection legislation, you have the following rights:
· Right of access: Find out what type of data we are processing and the nature of the processing.
· Right to rectification: Request amendments to your data if they are inaccurate or untrue.
· Right to data portability: Obtain a copy of the data being processed in a compatible format.
· Right to restrict processing in the cases provided for in legislation.
· Right to erase: Request that your data are erased when processing is no longer necessary.
· Right to object: Ask for the sending of business communications under the aforementioned terms to stop.
· The right to withdraw the consent given. Your request will be processed in approximately 10 days.
You may exercise your rights by writing to Avenida de Bruselas, 38, 28108 Alcobendas (Madrid) or by sending an email to privacidad.lebara@grupomasmovil.com indicating the right you are exercising and attaching the required documentation. Likewise, you are informed that you may file a request with the Spanish data protection agency (AEPD).
On the AEPDÓs website you will find a number of templates to help you exercise your rights.
If you have any questions about the processing of your personal data, you can contact
our Data Protection Officer (DPO) by sending an email to
The provision of Lebara Services involves the processing of the Customer's personal data, which will be treated in accordance with the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy.
1 Who is responsible for processing your data?
The controller shall be Xfera Móviles, S.A.U. with tax ID number: A-82528548 and registered address at Avenida de Bruselas, 38, 28108 Alcobendas (Madrid), Spain, hereinafter, LEBARA. This company provides telecommunications services via several brands such as Lebara, MASMÓVIL, Yoigo and Llamaya.
2 Why do we process your data and on what grounds?
2.1 The data that we process within the framework for contracting and providing the services that we offer you will be processed for the following purposes:
a) Managing the contractual relationship
This purpose includes the management of the contract itself, your invoicing or topping up and your interaction with any of our internal departments, such as customer service, technical service or quality in order to deal with complaints, contract changes or incidents. We will also process your contact details in order to enable Customers to access their private area via Soylebara, which can be accessed from the website or the app, and where Customers can manage their rates, access their invoices, consult their usage and manage their consents. You will also be able to top up from our website or any of the other enabled channels.
The data that we may process for this purpose are those related to the contractual relationship itself, i.e. identification data, contact data, rate data, contracted services, consumption and use of services, service quality, invoicing and payment data, including means of payment, top ups and invoices issued.
The basis for processing this data is the execution of the contractual relationship and the data will be kept for as long as the contractual relationship remains in force, after which the data will be blocked and kept at the disposal of police or judicial authorities only until the prescriptive period for the legal obligations and responsibilities derived from processing has lapsed. This period is generally five years after the end of the contract, unless there is some kind of administrative or legal claim, whereby the data will be stored until the proceedings are completed.
b) Rendering of telecommunications services
This purpose includes the various activities that are necessary and inherent to the provision of telecommunications services, such as:
· Communication using an electronic communications network, call set-up and routing (including interconnection);
· The provision of internet access, if it is part of the contracted services.
· The recording of traffic and interconnection data and their use for invoicing or discounting within the balance available for prepaid cards; and out-of-court and in-court claims in the event of non-payment.
· Detection, management and solution of technical incidents and resolution of complaints.
The data categories processed for this purpose include contact data, device identification data, IP, traffic and browsing data, including location data linked to traffic. These data will be processed where necessary to provide the service, manage networks and interconnections and detect, manage and resolve incidents.
If portability is requested from or to another operator, we also inform you that your identification data may be processed, as data need to be transferred between the providing and receiving operator in order to carry out the portability. The data exchanged between operators shall be those provided for at any given time in the technical specifications for portability approved by the government authorities overseeing this matter.
The lawful basis for processing this data is the execution of the contractual relationship, and, in the case of portability, the adoption of pre-contractual measures. The data will be kept for as long as the contractual relationship remains in force, after which the data will be blocked and kept at the disposal of police or judicial authorities only until the prescriptive period for the legal obligations and responsibilities derived from processing has lapsed. This period is generally five years after the end of the contract, unless there is some kind of administrative or legal claim, whereby the data will be stored until the proceedings are completed. Furthermore, certain traffic and location data will be kept for the periods of time provided for in current legislation on the retention of data relating to electronic communications and public communications networks.
c) Verifying information
LEBARA may verify the accuracy of the data you provide within the framework of the contract in order to prevent fraud and identity theft. To do this, we may process identification data, contact data, device data, economic, financial and insurance data (payment data), information about the point of sale, the contract, traffic or browsing.
To process this information, LEBARA's lawful basis is its legitimate interest in protecting its Customer and the company itself from contract fraud. LEBARA will therefore process the data that are strictly necessary for verification purposes and only to the extent necessary to prevent fraud.
If you would like further information about our legitimate interest, please contact dpo@masmovil.com.
d) Fraud prevention
You are informed that LEBARA is a member of the Hunter system
(https://asociacioncontraelfraude.com/hunter/). In accordance with Xfera Móviles, commitments to this system, it will include the data of its Customers in a file owned by the SPANISH ASSOCIATION OF COMPANIES AGAINST FRAUD.
The data will be compared with other phone service request data in the Hunter anti-fraud system solely for the purpose of identifying potentially fraudulent information within the service approval process. If inaccurate, irregular or incomplete data is detected, your request will be subject to a more detailed study, and said data will be included as such in the file and may be viewed for the aforementioned purposes by the entities belonging to the Hunter System in the following industries: financial, card issuers, payment methods, telecommunications, renting,
insurance, debt purchase, real estate, energy and water supply, periodic invoicing and deferred payment.
A list of entities belonging to the Hunter System can be accessed on the website of the Spanish Association of Companies Against Fraud: www.asociacioncontraelfraude.org
You may exercise your right of access, right to rectification, erasure, object, data portability or restriction in the processing of your data before the Spanish Association of Companies Against Fraud, by writing to the following address: Apartado de Correos 2054, 28002 MADRID. Please send a signed request alongside a photocopy of your ID document.
LEBARA passes data to this system based on the legitimate interest of both LEBARA and the customer to prevent fraud. LEBARA will therefore process the data that are strictly necessary to prevent fraud.
If you would like further information about our legitimate interest, please contact Ódpo@masmovil.com.
e) Proprietary business information
LEBARA may process Customer identification and contact data to send them business information regarding its own products or services, such as promotions of various kinds, new rates or improvements via electronic means (i.e. email, SMS, MMS, via LEBARA mobile profiles on social media and other platforms, etc.) based on the provisions of article 21.2 of Act 34/2002 of 11 July, on information society services and E-commerce and, based on the legitimate interest to make calls.
In relation to the above, based on our legitimate interest to customise our offers and, ultimately, to offer products and services that better meet the needs and wishes of Customers, we may segment the recipients of each campaign using the data collected in the context of contracting, top-ups and usage (i.e. to target an offer purely at residents of a particular town or geographic area, or at Customers who have contracted a specific rate).
For the same purpose, and also based on our legitimate interest, we may use statistical data published by government bodies for the sole purpose of determining the identification parameters of the recipients of each campaign (i.e. to target an offer at Customers living in towns with over 5,000 inhabitants, according to data published by the Spanish national statistics institute (INE)). Such statistical data will not be used for profiling or for enhancing our databases, unless prior consent is obtained from the Customer, as stated in section 2.3.c) of our Privacy Policy.
The Customer may object to this information being sent or to data customisation at any time using the measures provided in the business communications themselves or those described in this Privacy Policy. If you object to data customisation only, you can write to Ódpo@masmovil.com. You can still receive business information, but it will probably be less relevant.
If you would like further information about our legitimate interest, please
We will process your data for this purpose for as long as you are a LEBARA customer and have not objected to receiving these communications.
Once you cease to be a Customer, you are informed that we may continue to contact you by electronic means about our products and services in accordance with the provisions of article 21.2 of the Act on information society services. You may object to this at any time using the procedure provided in each business communication, by contacting our customer service team or by any other means provided for in these Terms and Conditions.
f) Register and cooperating with authorised agents.
You are informed that, in compliance with current legislation (Act 25/2007 on data retention), we are obliged to keep a Register in which the identity of Customers who purchase a prepaid card is recorded. The data collected in this Register include name, surname, nationality and ID number (DNI, NIE or passport) and the purpose is to detect, investigate and prosecute serious crimes considered in the Criminal Code or in special criminal laws, as well as to cooperate with State security forces and bodies, courts and tribunals in the exercise of their functions, and the prosecution service and other authorities with jurisdiction in the matter. In addition to the data included in the Register, information relating to communications sent via our service, such as incoming and outgoing call information, IP addresses and location data, will be processed for this purpose. The lawful basis of this processing is to meet legal obligations. The data collected for this purpose will be processed for as long as the line remains active and, after that, for the legally stipulated period, which is currently one year.
g) Subscriber management system
In compliance with the provisions of CNMC Circulars 1/2013 and 5/2014, you are informed that, as a telecommunications operator, we are legally obliged to send your identification and contact details, contracted service information and, on certain occasions, location information, to the CNMC's subscriber data management system. One example of this is that on the basis of this obligation, we provide information to the emergency services.
Subscriber guidelines and consultancy services are also regulated using this System and in accordance with the aforementioned Circulars. The inclusion of subscriber data in subscriber guidelines or consultancy services, as well as the use of these published data for business or advertising purposes, requires the consent of the interested party. The interested party may ask to be included in the subscriber guidelines by contacting the customer service department.
2.2 You are informed that LEBARA, based on its legitimate interest to increase and retain its customer base, may also analyse the CustomerÓs use of the Services contracted with us during the term of the contract and up to a period of 18 months after the end of the contract, essentially for three purposes:
a. To improve the service, offer and care provided to its customers (e.g. to develop new rates, reduce customer service waiting times, route calls to customer service efficiently, etc.).
b. To detect incidents, areas of improvement or needs relating to our services (i.e. problems with antennas, coverage or network problems, irregular or fraudulent traffic and incident handling improvements).
c. To model the tendency to cancel and other statistical models.
For these purposes, we use pseudonymised data, such as type and/or number of calls made, roaming, schedules, browsing volume, areas with a higher or lower incidence of traffic, average invoice amounts, incidents, type of incident, waiting time for customer service, type of service received, incident resolution time, etc.
In such cases, LEBARA shall take appropriate measures to ensure that the impact on
the customer's right to data protection is minimised. LEBARA shall therefore
pseudonymise the data and process the data that are strictly necessary for that
purpose. Customers may object to the processing of their data for this purpose by
2.3 Moreover, when the Customer gives their consent, we may process your data for the following purposes:
a) To send business information about other LEBARA services or those of other Group companies
LEBARA belongs to a continually expanding business group and you can find information about which companies belong to the Group here. We work to offer more and better services of a diverse nature (such as energy, telecommunications, security, financial, or consumer goods - personal care, technology, home, electronics and IT) that may be of interest to our Customers. If the Customer consents, we may process their identification and contact data on the basis of this consent in order to send them business information, including via electronic means (i.e. email, SMS, MMS, via LEBARA's profiles on social media and other platforms, etc.), about products or services of other Group companies or services other than those that were the object of the contract with LEBARA .
If the Customer so consents, we will process the data for this purpose until the Customer withdraws such consent and for as long as it remains active.
b) To send third party business information
Similarly, sometimes LEBARA reaches business agreements with third party companies in the energy, financial, consumer goods (e.g. IT, electronics, personal care or home) and leisure sectors to inform its Customers about its products or services. Therefore, if the Customer consents, LEBARA will process the Customer's identification and contact data based on their consent and may send business information from these third parties, including via electronic means (i.e. email, SMS, MMS, via LEBARA's profiles on social media and other platforms, etc.).
If the Customer so consents, we will process the data for this purpose until the Customer withdraws such consent and for as long as it remains active.
c) To profile and enhance databases for business purposes
At LEBARA, we understand profiling to be the use of personal data, data on the use of our services, as well as invoicing, top-up or usage data in order to analyse or predict aspects such as your personal preferences, interests and behaviours and to improve our business offering.
At LEBARA, we use profiling when the interested party has given consent to gain a better understanding of our customers' behaviour, such as their tendency to acquire additional lines, convergent lines, to leave LEBARA, etc. To this end, we use statistical models based on an analysis of the use of our services and the interactions carried out by our customers. The aim is to understand in greater detail what our Customers interests are in order to offer them business information about our products or services (offered by LEBARA or any other Group company) that is relevant according to their background, interests and needs.
The data that we may process for these purposes, in addition to the data collected within the contracting, invoicing and usage context, includes personal information that the customer may have provided to us in various contexts, such as age, address,
or any other information that they may have provided to us in the context of specific campaigns or surveys for example, such as interests or information on their device or preferences.
The Customer may adjust how they consent to their data from other sources being used to enhance the information we hold about our Customers based on non-customised personal and statistical information, such as:
a. Databases from publicly accessible sources (publications/databases made available to the public by official authorities or third parties, i.e. the Official State Gazette or public registries).
b. Geographical criteria (province, town, post code, census region, etc.).
c. Registry information.
d. Socio-demographic data (average income or unemployment rate by district or residing population).
e. Data received from digital interactions by customers, such as using cookies, pixels or any tracking technology. These actions are regulated by the cookies policy, which you can view here.
f. Data from interactions with other digital products and services such as our app, cookies and pixels from our websites, activity on our social media profiles and data we may collect via services such as SmartWifi.
This data processing requires the CustomerÓs consent and this information will be held until the CustomerÓs consent is withdrawn.
d) Traffic and browsing
If the customer gives their consent, LEBARA may process their traffic data, understood to be the use made of the contracted services (length of calls, times when most calls are made, type of content consumed - voice, video, messaging, photographs, music, etc.), in order to promote electronic communications services to the extent and for the time necessary to carry out said promotion.
LEBARA will process the traffic data for this purpose until the Customer withdraws such consent.
e) Location
LEBARA may process location data based on Customer consent so as to provide them with business information based on this location. To this end, only the postcode data will be processed based on the mobile deviceÓs connection to find out if they are in a different postcode to the one stated in the contract as well as the days when such connection is made.
This information will be held until you withdraw your consent or you cease to be a LEBARA Customer.
In terms of consent-based processing, the interested party may withdraw the consent given at any time. This can be done from the CustomerÓs private user area or through the customer service team.
If you would like information about the processing of website user data, you can view our Cookies Policy.
3 Who do we give your data to?
In compliance with current legislation, or in order to provide the Service, LEBARA is obliged to send personal data to several bodies or third parties, as detailed in the following table:
Recipient |
Data categories |
Lawful basis |
Other operators |
Identification, contact and traffic data |
Development, maintenance and control of contractual relationship (call routing, interconnection, portability process management, STA management) |
Subscriber data management system (CNMC) |
Emergency services and authorised agents (i.e. security forces and bodies) - Identification, contact and location data |
Legal obligation |
Subscriber guidelines - Identification and contact data |
Consent |
Use of subscriber guidelines for business purposes - identification and contact data |
Consent |
Authorised agents (i.e. State security forces and bodies) |
As stipulated in current legislation, such as identification, contact, location and traffic data |
Legal obligation |
Government bodies, such as consumer departments, the Spanish data protection agency |
Those required in each case Usually, identification, contact and invoicing data |
Legal obligation |
Holders of asset solvency files |
Identification data and outstanding debt |
Legitimate interest |
4 International transfers
Similarly, you are informed that LEBARA does not plan to make international transfers of customersÓ personal data in general, although it may have a supplier that needs to process customer data from outside the European Economic Area, such as a customer service or support service, in order to execute the contract under the terms and conditions set out in the first and second purposes. In these cases, LEBARA ensures that it has adequate safeguards in place. Information can be found at dpo@masmovil.com. These safeguards usually comprise standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission with suppliers in this situation or binding corporate standards, depending on each case.
5 How long will your data be kept for?
Generally speaking, the data arising from the contract will be kept for as long as the contractual relationship with the Customer is in place and will be blocked, available only to police or judicial authorities, until the prescriptive period for the legal obligations and responsibilities derived from processing has elapsed. This period is generally five years after the end of the contract, unless there is some kind of administrative or legal claim, whereby the data will be stored until the proceedings are completed.
There are however data categories and purposes for which different retention periods apply. You can view each specific retention period in the purposes listed in section "9.2 Why do we process your data and on what grounds?".
In any case, if at the end of the contractual relationship there are proceedings pending as a result of challenges to invoices or aimed at achieving the collection thereof, the data may be kept during the processing of such proceedings until a final decision is made (at which time they will be blocked and subsequently erased), although they may only be used for evidential purposes.
6 Your rights
You are informed that, in accordance with data protection legislation, you have the following rights:
Ó Right of access: Find out what type of data we are processing and the nature of the processing.
Ó Right to rectification: Request amendments to your data if they are inaccurate or untrue.
Ó Right to data portability: Obtain a copy of the data being processed in a compatible format.
Ó Right to restrict processing in the cases provided for in legislation.
Ó Right to erase: Request that your data are erased when processing is no longer necessary.
Ó Right to object: Ask for the sending of business communications under the aforementioned terms to stop.
Ó The right to withdraw the consent given. Your request will be processed in approximately 10 days.
You may exercise your rights by writing to Avenida de Bruselas, 38, 28108 Alcobendas (Madrid) or by sending an email to privacidad.lebara@grupomasmovil.com indicating the right you are exercising and attaching the required documentation. Likewise, you are informed that you may file a request with the Spanish data protection agency (AEPD).
On the AEPDÓs website you will find a number of templates to help you exercise your rights.
If you have any questions about the processing of your personal data, you can contact
our Data Protection Officer (DPO) by sending an email to